Sunday, August 18, 2013


I was working in my law office one saturday afternoon in early 1990 when the phone rang.  Unusual for a saturday afternoon, peace and quiet the reason I came to the office on the weekends.  I answered the phone and it was a friend from the U.S. Attorney's office that needed a favor.  A young man had been arrested at the Orlando airport on a 5 year old outstanding federal warrant.  The young man had been indicted and convicted, ex parte, of a fraudulent gold mining scheme years before.  He was never served with any of the paperwork or even knew he was indicted because he lived in Canada.  His long estranged father (divorced his mother decades ago) was the principal behind the scheme and on paper had included his son as a corporate officer.  The son was 19 years old at the time.  Fast forward to saturday and the son was in Orlando with his new wife on his honeymoon to Disneyworld.  He had no clue about the charges, the trial, or the outstanding warrant. My friend from the U.S. Attorney's office said he and his new wife were hysterical and needed some help.  I closed up my office and agreed to meet my friend and the couple in Orlando, a couple hours drive from my office.  I had just bought a Porsche 911 and hadn't been able to get away to drive it fast yet and this seemed like the perfect excuse to put it through it's paces on the interstate highway.  I arrived in Orlando at the Federal lock up in an hour or so and met with my friend and later the newly weds in the lawyer conference area.  They were confused, shocked, scared,  and really didn't have any money to hire me.  What any of this has to do with Watergate will have to wait until later.
(to be continued)

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