Tuesday, August 27, 2013


My client and his wife were with me in my law office when I received the call from the SAIC asking me to meet with her in my parking lot.  When they asked me what was going on... and why the SAIC  would have asked for a meeting in the garage, I quickly explained that sometimes practicing law meant being able to adapt and adjust to situations as they happen.  They looked dazed so I continued... good lawyers depended on the law and other skills.  Before I skittered down the rabbit hole that led to my career in law, I earned multiple graduate degrees...psychology..fine arts, education...worked on the back of an asphalt truck, was a lifeguard, a school teacher, a dishwasher, etc..I had a good amount of life experience before I started my law practice..( and while I hadn't stayed in a Holiday Inn Express the night before ) I was ready to use everything I had learned, including the fact that people told me I smelled good and dressed great, to get the case worked out... If that meant a weird meeting in my office garage, so be it...My client still  looked confused but seemed to have confidence in my energy and enthusiasm to get him out of the mess he was in..I hurried down to the parking lot and saw the SAIC standing by the barrier wall that was open to downtown Tampa.  We were 6 floors above the city,  it was late,  and the parking lot was almost empty.  She was young and dressed in the usual FBI "uniform"...dark blue pants, jacket, black comfortable-looking shoes, and short hair.  She was trying to strike an aggressive FBI pose as I walked up to her,  but was belied by the most electric blue eyes I had ever seen.  She wasn't really attractive, but her eyes were stunning.  We introduced ourselves and she apologized for the last minute meeting arrangement but said nothing about the uncommon nature of meeting in the garage.  She told me that this case was the first case she was assigned to as SAIC.   After reviewing all the documents, she felt that my client had been a victim of his father's folly and was wrongfully indicted and convicted.  This admission from her without a single word from me.  Wow, my cologne must have really been working...The problem she had was the posture she would have to take in front of the other agents and the AUSA to maintain the sanctity of her elevated SAIC status.  That is why she had avoided attending the earlier meeting in my conference room and wanted to talk to me "off the record".  She told me that she had heard from many of the other agents and AUSA's that I was an honest, straight shooter and could be trusted.     She told me that it was up to me to figure out a way for her to be able to look tough in front of the others but also get rid of the case to the benefit of my client.  I told her I already had a plan and that I would get back to her before the group met again and before the hearing in front of the Magistrate.  We shook hands and I hurried back up the elevator to my office.  Of course I had no plan but now needed to come up with one...and in a hurry.  The AUSA and FBI agents and SAIC were scheduled to meet in my conference room the next day at 11 am.  The hearing before the Magistrate was scheduled for the same afternoon at 2pm...There were some very complicated legal options but all of those required full evidentiary hearings before the Federal District Court Judge...and the case would be assigned to His Honor,  Judge George C. Carr..I had many cases before the Judge and he prefaced almost all of his rulings regarding my various legal pleading meanderings as follows:  "Mr. Polli, your motion is OF COURSE denied!!!
(to be continued)

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