Monday, August 19, 2013


Yesterday we went to Scott and Juli's house to celebrate the life of their son, Mike.  Michael recently passed away at the age of 25.  We have known the family for years when we all lived on Anna Maria Island in Florida.  Sister Maile was not born yet but the two boys, Mike and Ryan were loving every minute of life on the water.  Dad had a beautiful fishing boat and Anna Maria Island was like a time capsule from the 50's.  No real development, crime, drugs, etc., and until recently the only way to get over to the barrier island was by ferry.  Life seemed very simple and almost perfect.    When we all ended up on Kaui, and Maile was born, the boys grew up fast.  Ryan and Mike worked from time to time at the Hanalei Surf Shop and was where I ended up seeing them grow up the most.  LIfe got in the way of the good times we all had on AMI and everyone sort of moved on.  Juli and Jane saw each other riding horses more than I had contact with Scott and the boys.  Ryan went to the mainland to school and is now living in South America and is a chiropractor.  Mike was also living on the mainland and working as a crew member on a yacht.    The absence of an everyday relationship with Mike, like we all had back when he was a kid on AMI., doesn't make his passing any less painful.  He wanted to earn a captain's license and pilot his own boat.. I think he'll make a fine skipper in heaven..




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