Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I remembered Joseph Schumpeter and his "Creative Destruction"  theory of economics from back in college economics classes and thought his theory might just be applicable to the current battle going on between the GMO pro and con folks currently squaring off on Kauai.  Schumpeter's theory was adapted from the works of Karl Marx and is an explanation for how economic development rises phoenix-like from the ashes of a prior economic situation.  That's all I can remember of Schumpeter but whether you are a pro or con GMO'er,  if regulatory bills pass, there will most likely be an economic impact of county restrictions and enforcement regulating the seed increase in our taxes for the enforcement personnel needed to watchdog, and increased county government participation in an area currently regulated by the feds..all of it fits in well with the county administration's goal of more and more of everything to create revenue...and more county jobs...and more power base for the mayor and the county commissioners...if the regulatory bill doesn't pass, then possible loss of business, tax revenue, jobs, etc.. if the seed companies leave kauai... then again, maybe Schumpeter isn't applicable and he and his theory should go back down to undergraduate memory hell...


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