Saturday, June 8, 2013


A combat journalist in the big one, WW2..He was also the author of a book he wrote in 1943 during the war that chronicled his time spent with the marines on Guadacanal.  The name of the book was Guadacanal Diary and I read it in the 6th grade. Even though I was 11 or 12 years old then, we all still played army in the neighborhood every chance we got.  So the book and it's contents fit in perfectly with our army mindset. Unbeknownst to my dad, I was also supplementing the novels on the war that I could get at the school library with the several volumes of books he brought back from the war and had hidden in his closet.  These books were waterspotted and well worn and had very graphic photos of the war.  I was able to sneak into the closet and look at these books very frequently until I was caught by my mom.  I had to promise to never look at them again, blah, blah, blah.  That didn't really keep me from those books and that might be why I still love the history channel's World at War series.  Mr. Tregaskis retired to Hawaii and drowned swimming at one of his favorite beaches.

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