Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Mya was older than we were but seemed to be fascinated with what four gringo surfer boys were doing at the La Concha bar.  After a few minutes of  conversation and another round of drinks,  Mya asked us if we wanted a date with her.  We thought she meant a date like to the movies or something but we found out she meant a date like to go up to the room and…well, you know.  In a moment of what the future had in store for me (mediator, negotiator, lawyer),  I began the discussion of price, services, and time.  Mya wanter 50 pesos each for a total of 200 pesos.  After the beers all day and the drinks at the La Concha, we only had 54 pesos left between us.  I was able to convince her to accept a discounted price of 50 pesos for the four of us with the suggestion that the discount was fair in relation to the reduced time she would need to spend with us to bring the transaction to a climax.  Mya found humor in the the way I negotiated and she accepted our proposal and we headed up to the room.  I asked if she wanted us in the room separately and she declined and suggested we all go together. Actually she said no, let’s all go together so we can get this over with… It seemed that we were all having our first fivesome..a menage a whatever five is in french…
(to be continued)

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