Friday, June 28, 2013


It was Mya..and she was very upset !  I could tell she was upset because she was yelling in Spanish.  Being from Miami, you would think that the four of us would know how to speak a little bit of Spanish..but this was in the late 60’s before Castro emptied his prisons and the floatilla from Cuba to Miami created an international Miami where English became the second language.  I did recognize the word “cholu”…the Spanish word for pimp.  I tried to get Mya to calm down and speak in English.  She said that her cholu wanted the 200 pesos from the four surfer boys he saw her with at the bar.  My fine job of negotiation was coming around to bite us all in the ass.  We did not have any more money and had only four pesos left between the four of us.  She said that her chulo was on the way up to the room to get his money one way or the other. 
(to be continued)

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