Friday, June 28, 2013


It was Mya..and she was very upset !  I could tell she was upset because she was yelling in Spanish.  Being from Miami, you would think that the four of us would know how to speak a little bit of Spanish..but this was in the late 60’s before Castro emptied his prisons and the floatilla from Cuba to Miami created an international Miami where English became the second language.  I did recognize the word “cholu”…the Spanish word for pimp.  I tried to get Mya to calm down and speak in English.  She said that her cholu wanted the 200 pesos from the four surfer boys he saw her with at the bar.  My fine job of negotiation was coming around to bite us all in the ass.  We did not have any more money and had only four pesos left between the four of us.  She said that her chulo was on the way up to the room to get his money one way or the other. 
(to be continued)


Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Pushing aside the ethical, moral, and political ramifications of Mr. Snowden's revelations, a quote I remembered from Lyndon Johnson comes to mind..."it is better to have him in the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in"....I think Johnson was talking about FBI Director Hoover but it seems also applicable and appropriate for the Snowden mess...



Things were happening very fast and all of the beers from the day at the beach, the El Canario, and the La Concha were putting a special “spin” to everything…and not in a good way.  For some reason I was hearing the only thing my dad ever told me about sex: “flies spread disease, so keep yours zipped”…After Mya left, we all looked at each other and decided that we maybe the old black and white film they showed the boys separate from the girls in 8th grade health class about venereal disease had some good information in it after all. No one could remember exactly what that information was but Johnny opened the room door and peaked out and found a maid’s cleaning cart in the hallway.  He ran out naked and quickly grabbed some Babbo cleanser, a bottle of bleach, and some extra towels.  We all crowded into the bathroom and proceeded to scrubbing our private areas with the Babbo and bleach just in case Mya wasn’t as clean as we thought she was.  Just then, there was a hard knock on the hotel room door.
(to be continued)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Mya was older than we were but seemed to be fascinated with what four gringo surfer boys were doing at the La Concha bar.  After a few minutes of  conversation and another round of drinks,  Mya asked us if we wanted a date with her.  We thought she meant a date like to the movies or something but we found out she meant a date like to go up to the room and…well, you know.  In a moment of what the future had in store for me (mediator, negotiator, lawyer),  I began the discussion of price, services, and time.  Mya wanter 50 pesos each for a total of 200 pesos.  After the beers all day and the drinks at the La Concha, we only had 54 pesos left between us.  I was able to convince her to accept a discounted price of 50 pesos for the four of us with the suggestion that the discount was fair in relation to the reduced time she would need to spend with us to bring the transaction to a climax.  Mya found humor in the the way I negotiated and she accepted our proposal and we headed up to the room.  I asked if she wanted us in the room separately and she declined and suggested we all go together. Actually she said no, let’s all go together so we can get this over with… It seemed that we were all having our first fivesome..a menage a whatever five is in french…
(to be continued)

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Our free room, compliments of Johnny’s dad, did not extend to free anything else.  We were all under 21 but that wasn’t a problem in San Juan and especially at the La Concha.  The problem was the price of drinks at the La Concha and our limited money resources.  So we left the hotel and went in search of a bar we could afford and ended up in a place called the El Canario.  We were all able to all get drunk and still have most of our pesos left.  We headed back to the La Concha and decided to splurge and get some drinks at the fancy bar. A stunning dark skinned woman approached all of us and asked us to buy her a drink.  Her name was Mya and she was beautiful in a tight, strapless gold evening gown, very high heels, and an amazing smile…and she spoke English.  
(to be continued)

Friday, June 21, 2013


LOVE STORY ... a story in pictures you won't forget easily.
If he is a hero..........She is an angel
(mahalo to friend jonathan for sharing these images...bob )