Monday, November 3, 2014


No hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunami's, or lava flows stopped us this time.  We left Kauai on Sunday afternoon and arrived on Oahu and took a cab to the Ala Moana Hotel and checked in.  Jane couldn't eat or drink after midnight so we immediately went to the Mai Tai Lounge and knocked back a few drinks...and had dinner.  The Next morning our wake up call was for 5:30am to be at the hospital by 6:30am and of course we didn't sleep much and were out of bed finally by 4am...It was a long day for Jane who had to have wires inserted in the biopsy sites so the surgeon could follow them to the markers the radiologist left in at the spots he wanted removed...and then she was wheeled over to the mammogram machine to get various dyes shot in her to better distinguish her nodes for the surgeon..that all took a couple of hours and then she was finally ready for the surgery and recovery..All went well and we got back to the hotel room by around 3pm...i bought a loaf or bread and some peanut butter and jane was leaking oil a little but hungry so we ate pbj's and then she slept.  She only took 1/2 a pain pill and that was pain and we had a pretty good night's sleep and she was ready for a lumberjack breakfast when she woke up.  But no shower for 48 hours and she didn't want to go anywhere to eat yet so I went to the little breakfast place in the hotel and brought back hashbrowns, scrambled eggs and sausage, toast, biscuits, and waffles..and she pretty much ate I knew she was feeling better...Our friends from Kauai, Pete and Rosemary, who are unbelievably going through the same thing at the same time were staying at the same hotel and had a rental car so we hooked up with them and got out for lunch and dinner...The post op meeting with the surgeon on thursday was a mixed bag..good news is no metasis and the nodes are clear...the mixed bag news is that her margins were close...we are waiting to hear from the surgeon and pathologist today about the next step..probably radiation and hopefully that's it...stay tuned...and thanks for everyone's good thoughts and prayers...

Da plane, Da plane..Kauai to Oahu
view of Ala Wai marina and the Ala Moana surf break from the hotel room
at the Mai Tai Lounge the night before surgery
waiting room info board
IV prep for surgery p.s. Jane hates me for taking this and the next couple of photos
Jane getting ready to be wheeled off for the wires and dye
Jane and her nurse waiting for the cab after surgery
the day after surgery celebrating with Pete and Rosemary at the Yard House Pub
farewell Honolulu

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