Thursday, November 13, 2014


We have been home now for a couple of weeks and Jane's healing nicely.  Last week we met with her radiation oncologist and yesterday we met with her oncologist.  We liked both doctors and have confidence in them.  Jane had a list of questions for both of them and everything was covered, explained, and explained again.  The incision sites have healed without incident and now we are waiting for the results of the oncotype test to better determine a treatment plan.  Hopefully, radiation followed by drug treatment will be indicated and no need for chemotherapy.  We'll find out next week.  Jane is in good spirits and continues to be in a fighting spirit.  She only weighs 104 pounds but pretty much all of that is grit...stay tuned...

yesterday at Lihue oncology appointment
(I just told her we were heading for a glass of wine for her and a beer for me)

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