Monday, October 20, 2014


Hurricane Ana was first predicted to sweep through the island chain ending with a direct hit on Kauai.  By the middle of the week, this prediction changed some but it was still expected to cause wind damage, flooding, and tidal surge damage to all islands.  Jane's surgery was canceled until next monday, October 27th, and the airline waived change fees, etc. due to the storm.  The hotel did the same. All of that took until friday to complete and by then a high pressure area had entered the picture and started to steer Ana to the south of the islands..only 100 miles south, but enough to breathe a little easier.  In the end, all the islands got plenty of rain..some strong wind..and big surf..but not much damage...another bullet missed us...hurricane season ends on November 30th...Jane says that despite rain or shine, hurricane, lava flow, earthquake, or tsunami, she is camping out at the hospital next monday..period !!

 the little blue dot in the upper middle of the picture is Kauai
iphone photo from the back lanai a couple of days into the Hurricane Ana watch
iphone photo from the ridge during the watch
iphone photo from the ridge yesterday
iphone photo from mark and jb's house on saturday

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