Wednesday, October 15, 2014


A friend from way back in the day..junior high and high and in touch recently and was going to be in Maui with his wife for vacation.  We haven't seen each other for 42 years !!! Steve agreed to fly over to Kauai with Nancy and spend the night.  The day they flew over happened to be a last minute doctor's appointment with a breast surgeon for Jane at Kapiolani on Oahu..but we flew over in the morning and got back to Kauai for dinner with Steve and Nancy...and then were able to spend the next day with them until their flight back to Maui at 7pm.  Other than the fact that we looked like two old fucks, it was like 42 years never happened.  It was really wonderful catching up..meeting Nancy for the first time...and renewing a friendship that never really ended..just got set aside for four decades...

 old friends...
Steve then (iphone image from 42 years ago) and now

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