Saturday, August 30, 2014


Just ran across these photos of my law office in Tampa, Florida.  It was located in a very modern, high-rise office building in downtown Tampa.  I decorated the office myself with my favorite art and furniture collected from years of visiting Santa Fe, New Mexico..I spent a lot of time in the office so I wanted it to be as comfortable as our little house on Anna Maria Island in the Gulf of Mexico. As law offices go, especially in an office building filled with law firms, my office stood out from the rest..not so much an intention of mine but just the way I lived and practiced law...
my office
my waiting area

waiting area..the poster where the fireplace should be is one of my criminal practice fees are usually quoted as a flat fee and not charged by the hour..the poster says "GUNFIGHTERS DON'T CHARGE BY THE BULLET"

reception/secretary area looking into the waiting area

my office..antique apothacary roll top case that held all the volumes of the rules of court..
my roll top desk
the top of my roll top desk with gun fighter bronze

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