Thursday, August 21, 2014


Sad day friend Landrino Aguinaldo was killed on the beach house property that I managed until a couple of years ago..I hired Landrino and his brothers to work on the property 6 years ago or so, and became fast friends with all of them.  As hardworking a crew as I have ever seen..honest..loyal..and always ready to help anyone that needed it.  Landrino was mowing yesterday and the mower slid down the stream bank and flipped over on him pinning him in the mud and shallow water face down..he couldn't get the mower off of him and drowned..
Landrino always had a smile on his face, especially when telling me about his family..proud of all of them...and his brothers and sisters..and wife...I saw him every day for years while I was on the property but not as much for the last couple of years and I have missed him.  I talked to him last week and we were going to try to meet up on sunday, his only day to "rest da body" as he used to say..I miss you and love you brother...

"at the Tip Top for lunch"
"Landrino's favorite oxtail soup from Tip Top"
"the brothers: Pastor and Ernesto at the Tip Top"
"Rest da body sweet Landrino"

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