Friday, October 4, 2013


My Dad, whose nickname was "Chappy", owned a gas station when I was growing up.  On Saturdays he would wake me up at 6am so I could spend the day at the gas station with him.  At first, when I was younger, going to the gas station was fun.  Later on, in my teens, I hated getting up early and going to "work" with my dad.  He tried to teach me how to take care of and fix cars.  I also worked the "front" and was considered a gas station "attendant".  I put gas in your car, checked oil and water, tire pressure, and washed your windshield.  Gas back then was about 20 cents a gallon.  I got lunch and all the cokes i could drink out of that old coke machine by the front door in the photo...and sometimes a couple of dollars for the day...  I also put a quart of oil in your engine if it was low.  I screwed up a lot..spilled an amazing amount of oil all over the place...forgot to put gas caps back on...and generally was a screw up...I did get to see,  and sometimes drive,  all kinds of cars...that part I loved..

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