Monday, July 15, 2013


I got a telephone call from Mrs. Leveque, Guy’s mom, one sunny Saturday afternoon when I was living on the beach in Ponte Vedre and teaching school in Jacksonville, Florida.  Guy was found decapitated on some railroad tracks in the Atlanta area.  I had heard that Guy had drug problems..and money problems.  Mrs. Leveque called because the coroner had sent Guy’s belongings to her and she found a single peso wrapped in a piece of paper with my name and the names of two others that she remembered Guy had been with in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.  The wrapped peso was found in Guy’s front pocket.    She thought the peso might be something that Guy would want me to have so she was going to mail it to me from her home in Miami.  I was speechless.  No one close to me had ever died before and I felt like crap for not being a better friend and doing more than just hearing that Guy had a drug problem.  I thanked Mrs. Leveque and told her that I would drive to Miami for Guy’s service and she could just give me the peso when I saw her.  We hung up and I decided to try to call Johnny and Doug.  We hadn’t seen each other in a long time and I wanted to tell them about Guy.
(to be continued)

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