Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I had been in a handful of “fights” by this time in my short life…mostly school yard wrestling-type fights..a high school fist fight with a cut lip and a black eye as a souvenir…some bar fights in college with a few stitches for my efforts.  I had recently earned a green belt in Tang So Doo Korean Karate.  The green belt was the next belt above white belt so not such a big deal and despite sparring with higher level belts, not something to depend on against an angry cholu …I might know karate, but he knows ka-nife..or even worse, ka-gun…so we all decided to do the flight thing instead of fight.  We packed our brown grocery store bag we arrived with as our communal suitcase with our stuff and headed out of the La Concha back stairway.  Mya said she would try to stall her man and give us time to get away.  We actually had no place to get away to..and only 4 pesos between us.  The hotel had beach cabanas and we made friends with the cabana boys during that afternoon.  We had a lot in common with them since four of us had been cabana boys at the Hotel Foutainbleau on Miami Beach.  The boys agreed to let us spend what was left of the night in one of the cabanas and we could try to figure out a next step in the morning.
(to be continued)

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