Thursday, May 2, 2013



I downloaded and studied the criminal complaint filed yesterday against the three friends of boston bombing suspect number two.  The talking heads have had a field day with the facts alleged and sworn to in the affidavit by an FBI agent that constitutes the probable cause for the arrest of the three friends.  I am surprised by the impromptu press conference and later  interviews with the major networks and cable news channels by lawyers for two of the friends.  It is my experience that nothing good comes of standing in front of a bank of microphones and making statements of fact and outlining what your defense will be for the public.  Many questions were screamed out to the two lawyers about the facts alleged in the complaint.  No one asked about whether the actions of the three friends in destroying evidence and not contacting authorities led, directly or indirectly, to the subsequent carjacking and later murder of the MIT campus policeman.  The State of Massachusetts has not filed state murder charges yet and I think that the actions or inactions of the three friends at the very least aided and abetted the two bombing suspect buddies in the carjacking and later murder of the MIT campus policeman.  It is because of this possibility of future state murder charges or federal conspiracy charges that I would not be giving press conferences answering questions about factual matters and possible defenses.  The press coverage (positive or negative) is only good for the lawyer's career and future business, and rarely ever provides assistance to the client's defense. 

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