Tuesday, April 23, 2013


The FBI released a short video along with several still photos of the then Boston bombing suspects.  I watched the video and immediately noticed a man coming out of one of the business doorways that seemed to be paying some attention to the two suspects that passed by.  Everyone else in the video seemed oblivious to the two backpack carrying men walking one in front of the other.  I noticed the man in the doorway use his left hand to grab what looks like an ear bud from his sweater/shirt collar and stick it in his ear.  There are two views of the man in the doorway on the short video. One view is intentionally blurred out by the FBI.  The other view is clear and shows the insertion of the ear bud.  The ear bud wire is concealed in the man's sweater unlike the ear bud wires on an ipod or other mp3 players that you normally see exposed and dangling in front of the person listening to music.. I have included some still shots i took from the video off the television.  Next time the video plays on the news, check it out.  I don't know what, if anything, it means but it is interesting....

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