Saturday, June 13, 2015


41 years ago Jane and I got married in Nova Scotia..we drove from Florida in my VW van and camped the whole month or so that we were gone.  I picked Nova Scotia because I had been there a year or  so before I met Jane..I was surfing every beach from South Beach in Miami to Prince Edward Island in the Canadian Maritimes..I thought a spot in Nova Scotia was especially beautiful and commented to my buddy Dave, "wow, if I ever find a girl to marry, I am going to bring her here and get married on the beach"...and lucky for me, I found Jane and she joined the crazy train that has been life with me...I love her with all my heart and thank the stars above that somehow lined up to allow me to be so lucky these last 41 years....

1 comment:

  1. Im ready to move to Hawaii! Can a graphic designer survive there? Jing and I would love it there. instagram: rob_xue
