Monday, June 29, 2015

Friday, June 26, 2015

Saturday, June 13, 2015


41 years ago Jane and I got married in Nova Scotia..we drove from Florida in my VW van and camped the whole month or so that we were gone.  I picked Nova Scotia because I had been there a year or  so before I met Jane..I was surfing every beach from South Beach in Miami to Prince Edward Island in the Canadian Maritimes..I thought a spot in Nova Scotia was especially beautiful and commented to my buddy Dave, "wow, if I ever find a girl to marry, I am going to bring her here and get married on the beach"...and lucky for me, I found Jane and she joined the crazy train that has been life with me...I love her with all my heart and thank the stars above that somehow lined up to allow me to be so lucky these last 41 years....

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Our friend from French Polynesia, Tihoti, is on Kauai for a couple of weeks booked solid with tattoo appointments.  He called the other day and we figured out a good time for him to take a break and come over for paina (dinner) and a catch up.  I picked him up last night after his last tattoo appointment and we had a great time.  He has done most of my tattoos and all of jane's..We got some of them done at his place on Huahine, French Polynesia...and some done here on Kauai when he was visiting..I cooked mojo shrimp on the barbie and Jane made a her famous caesar salad, grilled polenta and yellow rice with garden peas...and homemade orange sorbet flavored with oranges from the yard..Tihoti has a boy and a girl that are living with their mom in schools in Huahine so they all moved to Australia via Northfolk Island..wife pauline is a descendant of Fletcher Christian and her family lived on Pitcarin Island until they were moved to Northfolk Island...Relatives live in Australia where there are good schools for the kids.  Tihoti moved with the family but didn't last long in Australia..too cold for he moved back to Huahine..and then to live on and clear his father's land on Tahaa..He comes to Kauai to tattoo every year to earn money to live on and send to Pauline and the kids..and gets to see them a few times a year until her can build a place on Tahaa and the kids are out of school..Tihoti is one of the nicest people I have ever met..a very spiritual, gentle soul..I have know him for 15 years and have never seen him wearing shoes..flip flops..or anything on his feet...a pareau and maybe a tee's a pic I took last night at dinner...which profile does Tihoti fit when TSA screens him ????


Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Flew to Oahu yesterday to get to Kapi'olani Women's Center for Jane's six month breast MRI and 3D mammogram..long day starting at 5am and getting back home at around 9pm or so...the test results were all good but we will get more specific readings and analysis in a few days..We left the hospital and went to the mall and had a nice lunch with a battery of drinks..and then Jane got to shop for a few hours before we had to get in the traffic to the airport..she is scheduled for the same tests in six months...


The Man Cave has been done and in use for months now..lots of pool games and sports on the tube with beer flowing..maybe not from the kegerator due to issues with the CO2 valve...but beer in bottles and cans flowing just the same...The garage-workshop-guesthouse has passed all the final inspections and is now officially completed.  I have been refinishing some pieces that we bought in Santa Fe decades ago and brought to Kauai with us 15 years ago to use in the new place..Here's some pictures...



Thursday, April 2, 2015


Been a while...sorry..Jane started her protocol with arimidex..a drug that she takes daily for the next five years..listed possible side effects are many and varied and none of them very good..but so far Jane has experienced none of them..She is strong and healthy and happy...We head to Oahu in a few weeks for another breast MRI and 3D mammogram at Kapi'olani Women's Hospital for follow up..It always is a long day since we need to catch the early morning flight to get to the hospital by 9am..and we return to Kauai at around 9pm...Jane is hoping we can swing in to AlaMoana shopping mall before we head to the airport..I am pretty sure she will get her wish..and anything else in the world she's a happy Jane...


Thursday, February 19, 2015


Today is treatment number 33..the last radiation treatment...Jane is about as happy as I have ever seen more everyday trips to Lihue...and no more doses of radiation..the last 8 booster doses have made Jane a little more tired..but she is doing really good and is anxious to get her life back...still have some doctor appointments to deal with..and some trips to Kapi'olani on Oahu for follow up..but at least this part of the protocol is over....


Tuesday, February 10, 2015


We are heading to town in a few minutes for the first of 8 booster treatments..extra doses of radiation...and these 8 treatments are the last in Jane's protocol...we are both happy that the light is at the end of the tunnel finally...Jane is doing pretty good..tired but in good spirits and especially since soon we won't have to drive to town every day for treatments...

Monday, January 19, 2015

10 DOWN...23 TO GO

Jane has done 10 radiation treatments with 23 left to she is with her friend, Patty, celebrating pau hana friday and the end of two long weeks of daily treatments....


Sunday, January 4, 2015


We had good friends come celebrate christmas and new years with us this year...and John and Muriel stayed with us over the holidays and just left yesterday...starting tomorrow Jane has 5 day a week radiation treatments for 33 treatments...luckily the radiation oncology center is on Kauai in we don't have to fly to oahu everyday like everyone did just a couple of years ago...Jane is anxious to get the treatments finished and is positive and strong...I found this photo of Jane from high school..she was co-captain of the school cheerleader's squad..positive and strong...see if you can pick her out of the photo....

hint: bottom right