Monday, December 22, 2014


A while back I was at the Tavern with friends and one of them mentioned he just bought a lathe and was turning handles for kitchen and bar tools...I was very interested and remembered wood shop in 8th grade and how much I loved the smell of burning wood on the lathe..A couple of days ago that friend called and asked me if I wanted to come over to learn a little bit about turning wood on the lathe..He showed me his collection of xmas gifts that he had already finished and they were beautiful..I thought I was just there to watch but he took me through each step in the process of turning a handle..and then let me do one myself...complete to finish sanding and tung oil and insertion of the kitchen my case, a vegetable peeler..I had a great time and now would love to buy a lathe and put it in my newly construction garage/workshop/guesthouse...

assortment of kitchen and bar tools
garlic press
ice cream scoop
 "grasshopper" at work
my finished veggie peeler in zebra wood

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