Saturday, September 20, 2014


We have been back and forth to Oahu the last couple of weeks...more specifically, Kapiolani Womens Medical Center for breast MRI and MRI assisted biopsy.  I hate Honolulu and Waikiki.. and going there with Jane for medical tests and so forth made the visit even worse..Oahu is a mess..a big, crowded, dirty. grid locked city that really should just get it over with and somehow be towed to the Mainland..that said, the medical facilities are very good and those of us that live on the neighbor islands pretty much have no place else to go for testing and treatment.  We are hoping that everything tests out ok and we don't have to go back...ever.
Kauai airport bar waiting for our flight to Oahu

big city from our hotel room

 the day before the MRI assisted alcohol

lunch at Mariposa after the procedure..water only
Honolulu Internationa Airport flight back to Kauai

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