Saturday, September 20, 2014


We have been back and forth to Oahu the last couple of weeks...more specifically, Kapiolani Womens Medical Center for breast MRI and MRI assisted biopsy.  I hate Honolulu and Waikiki.. and going there with Jane for medical tests and so forth made the visit even worse..Oahu is a mess..a big, crowded, dirty. grid locked city that really should just get it over with and somehow be towed to the Mainland..that said, the medical facilities are very good and those of us that live on the neighbor islands pretty much have no place else to go for testing and treatment.  We are hoping that everything tests out ok and we don't have to go back...ever.
Kauai airport bar waiting for our flight to Oahu

big city from our hotel room

 the day before the MRI assisted alcohol

lunch at Mariposa after the procedure..water only
Honolulu Internationa Airport flight back to Kauai


....With a view:

iphone photo from the Tavern
iphone photo from the Tavern

Sunday, September 7, 2014


The funeral service on was saturday... and the little church in Kilauea was overflowing with people.  Landrino lived his life the right way..always cheerful with a bright smile for everyone..and always willing to help...and now hundreds of his friends and family were in attendance to show their love and respect to a wonderful person.  After the service,  The ride to the cemetery was long and were parked all up and down the highway with almost all of the people that attended the church service standing in the hot sun at the cemetery waiting to say a final goodbye to Landrino..We each put a flower on his casket..and a tear from me.....




Some of the boys that worked with Landrino over the past 20 years or so, and Randall from the ranch, and some family and friends were at the cemetery on thursday to dig the gravesite for the funeral on saturday.  After the mechanical excavator did the heavy digging, some of the fellas rode the bucket from the excavator down into the hole to tidy it up..I am pretty sure we were all thinking the same thing..if Landrino (affectionately nicknamed "Sarge" from his days fighting the muslims in the jungle strongholds in the Phillipines and his take charge by the book way of doing things) was here with us he would have his tape measure out to make sure everything was perfect...all the rocks out of the hole and nothing left imperfect or out of place...
Jerrold laughing at the fact that he didn't want Landrino to visit him in his sleep about the hole not being perfect..

