Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Lee and Gin called me yesterday on their way down to Boca Grande.  They had a couple of boats lined up to go out in the Pass and sprinkle Lee's Mom's and Dad's ashes in the Gulf of Mexico.  They called to tell me that they were going to make room for me on the boat..or at least my spirit since Kauai is a long way from Boca Grande.  I was very happy (and sad) to be included in the ceremony.  I was on the mainland when Lee's dad passed away almost 15 years ago and,  spent a few days at Boca Grande during that time.  I got to know his Mom over those few days and loved her.  She was a sweetheart and I never forgot how kind she was to us while she was hurting over the loss of her husband.  Every once in a while I would get a call from Lee and Gin while they were going over the Skyway Bridge heading to see Mom on Boca Grande for Mother's day..or a birthday..or just a visit.  Lee would then send me some photos he took of his Mom...they were just beautiful...and since my Mom passed away, I got my Mom-fix from those photos.  During one of the visits, Lee told his Mom about the Hawaiian Shaka..showed her how to position her fingers for the Shaka...and then sent me a picture of his Mom sending me her version of the Hawaiian Shaka..


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