Wednesday, November 27, 2013



Lee and Gin called me yesterday on their way down to Boca Grande.  They had a couple of boats lined up to go out in the Pass and sprinkle Lee's Mom's and Dad's ashes in the Gulf of Mexico.  They called to tell me that they were going to make room for me on the boat..or at least my spirit since Kauai is a long way from Boca Grande.  I was very happy (and sad) to be included in the ceremony.  I was on the mainland when Lee's dad passed away almost 15 years ago and,  spent a few days at Boca Grande during that time.  I got to know his Mom over those few days and loved her.  She was a sweetheart and I never forgot how kind she was to us while she was hurting over the loss of her husband.  Every once in a while I would get a call from Lee and Gin while they were going over the Skyway Bridge heading to see Mom on Boca Grande for Mother's day..or a birthday..or just a visit.  Lee would then send me some photos he took of his Mom...they were just beautiful...and since my Mom passed away, I got my Mom-fix from those photos.  During one of the visits, Lee told his Mom about the Hawaiian Shaka..showed her how to position her fingers for the Shaka...and then sent me a picture of his Mom sending me her version of the Hawaiian Shaka..


Tuesday, November 26, 2013


GO TO @bobpolli47 to view almost daily kauai photos...but here's tuesday's moment of zen..or whatever...

Friday, November 22, 2013


My brand new turquoise, Zenith clock radio woke me up at 6:30 am.  
  The radio was a birthday present from my parents.  They gave it to me the night before so i could use it to wake up for my 16th birthday on November 22nd, 1963.  For the first time I was able to hear a music alarm.  WQAM Miami was tuned in to the new raido and I thought it was a miracle that the Beach Boys could be singing to wake me up instead of the rude, ringing alarm from my old, wind up Big Ben. 
     Today was a big day..My mom was going to pick me up after school and take me to the Driver's License place to take my written test and road test so I could trade in my learner's permit and get a real driver's license.  I studied the test handbook and had been driving with my learner's permit since I was 14.  No night driving and only driving with an adult on the learner's permit for the last two years was like being on felony parole.  Today I would be able to drive the 1950 Plymouth that I mowed lawns to buy.  My dad let me use left over house paint to cover the mostly rust exterior.  I learned to shift the 3 speed on the column and was able to parallel park the beast without too much trouble as long as i could find reverse. 
     It was during 11th grade TV history class that the teacher interrupted the TV lesson to announce that the President had been shot in Dallas.  The teacher adjusted the TV set to pick up NBC and we were able to watch some of the bulletins about the shooting.  Finally, the President was pronounced dead at about 2pm Miami-time and we were all released from the rest of the day to go home.  The school had the school buses come early and I rode my bus home.  I got there ahead of the time my mom was going to leave to pick me up and take me for my driver's license test.  We called the State Driver's License Bureau to check on my appointment and were told that they were shutting the office down because of the shooting.  I was really upset that I was going to have to wait to get my license but pretty quickly calmed down and settled in to watching non-stop television and history unfold for the next few days..We had a birthday cake and candles but it was a very sad birthday party, 50 years ago today....

Thursday, November 14, 2013


In 1974, on our way to Nova Scotia to get married, Jane and I stopped in Montreal for a few days.  We came across this french gentleman artist on one of the sidewalks outside the Montreal Underground.  He didn't speak much english and I spoke very little french but we ended up spending a delightful hour or so "talking" about our his paintings and my photography.  I just ran across these photographs I took of him in yet another box of stuff that I haven't looked at for decades.  It was raining yesterday and I decided to do some organizing and hit the jackpot finding these two photos and the memories that went with them....

©bobpolli 1974
©bobpolli 1974

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


(check out more on her blog: