Wednesday, August 15, 2012


My friend, Tihoti....We visited Tihoti and his wife and kids in Huahine, French Polynesia a couple of times.  Tihoti treated us to a traditional imu feast with plenty to eat and lots of friends to share the food and good times with....Everyone on Huahine knew and loved Tihoti..When the kids were old enough to need a proper school, the family moved to Norfolk Island.  Tihoti's wife, Pauline, is a descendant of Christian Fletcher and her family lived on Pitcarin Island.  They were eventually moved off the island and settled on Norfolk Island.  Tihoti has recently moved to Tahaa, French Polynesia to help his father build a house on ancestral land.  Once the land is cleared and the house is complete, the family will reunite and Tihoti will be happy again.  Tihoti has tattooed my friends, my wife, and myself..He is an artist, a tattau master, a stone carver, and one of the nicest human beings i have ever met.

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